Wednesday, June 14, 2017



These might seem like a dessert, but try them for breakfast, too! Just make sure you have a good coffee alongside, says chef Matt Wilkinson.


  • 1/2 cup (125ml) organic soy milk, lukewarm
  • 2 x 7g sachets dry yeast
  • 50g silken tofu
  • Finely grated zest of 1 mandarin
  • 250g strong (baker’s) flour, plus extra to dust
  • 1/2 cup (110g) caster sugar
  • 1 tsp ground ginger
  • 1L (4 cups) soy milk ice cream (we used Sanitarium So Good Vanilla Bliss)
  • Sunflower oil, to deep-fry
  • Black sesame seeds, to serve

    • 1
      Whisk milk and yeast together in a small jug and set aside until frothy.
    • 2
      Whisk tofu and mandarin zest together in a bowl until smooth.
    • 3
      In a stand mixer fitted with the dough hook, combine flour, 2 tbs sugar and 1/2 tsp salt. With the motor on low, add the milk mixture, then tofu mixture and knead for 5 minutes or until dough comes together and is coming away from the sides of the bowl.
    • 4
      Transfer to a clean work surface and bring together with your hands to form a ball. Transfer to a clean bowl, cover with a tea towel and set aside in a warm place for 11/2-2 hours or until doubled in size.
    • 5
      Knock back dough, then turn out onto a lightly floured surface. Knead for 5 minutes or until firm. Divide dough into 12 pieces, roll into 10cm-long sausages, and transfer to 2 baking trays lined with baking paper. Cover with a clean tea towel and set aside for 30 minutes or until doubled in size.
    • 6
      Meanwhile, combine ginger and remaining 70g sugar in a bowl.
    • 7
      Place ice cream in a stand mixer fitted with paddle attachment and beat on high for 1 minute or until loosened. Transfer to a piping bag fitted with a 1.5cm star nozzle. Keep in freezer until ready to use.
    • 8
      Half-fill a deep-fryer or saucepan with oil and heat to 170°C (a cube of bread will turn golden in 45 seconds when hot enough). In batches, fry dough, turning halfway, for 3-4 minutes or until golden. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towel. Toss in ginger sugar, then cut doughnuts into 3cm pieces.
    • 9
      Arrange on plates and pipe over soft serve. Top with sesame to serve.

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These are great to make whenever you have a party

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