Friday, June 23, 2017



Desserts with a nostalgic flavour are trending right now. This Triple honey chocolate trifle is for the violet crumble lovers. Just try to resist this


  • 120g dark chocolate, finely chopped
  • 1/2 cup (125ml) pure (thin) cream
  • 1/2 tsp sunflower oil
  • 2L (8 cups) thickened cream
  • 2 cups (560g) thick Greek-style yoghurt
  • 620g chocolate chip biscuits, crushed
  • 2 tbs Grand Marnier
  • 1/2 cup (175g) honey
Honey mead jelly
  • 6 titanium-strength gelatine leaves
  • 2 tsp honey
  • 2 cups (500ml) honey mead (from selected bottle shops)
  • 2 cups (440g) caster sugar
  • 1/2 cup (175g) golden syrup
  • 1 tbs bicarbonate of soda

    • 1
      For honey mead jelly, soak gelatine leaves in a bowl of cold water for 5 minutes to soften. Place the honey and 1/4 cup (60ml) mead in a saucepan over high heat.
    • 2
      Cook, swirling pan, for 2 minutes or until honey dissolves. Remove from heat. Squeeze excess water from the gelatine, then stir into the honey mixture until melted and combined.
    • 3
      Add the remaining 1 3/4 cups (440ml) mead to gelatine mixture and stir to combine. Transfer to a 4L trifle dish, cover with plastic wrap and chill for 4-6 hours to set.
    • 4
      Grease and line two baking trays with baking paper. For the honeycomb, place sugar, golden syrup and 1/2 cup (125ml) water in a saucepan over low heat. Cook, stirring, for 2-3 minutes until the sugar dissolves. Increase heat to medium-high and cook, swirling pan occasionally, for 6-8 minutes until dark golden.
    • 5
      Working quickly, remove pan from heat and whisk in bicarbonate of soda (honeycomb will foam).
    • 6
      Pour into prepared trays, tilting to spread evenly (do not stir – it’s a good idea to have a second person help tilt the second tray while you tilt the first). Set aside for 1 hour to harden.
    • 7
      To make the chocolate sauce, place the chocolate in a heatproof bowl and set aside. Place the thin cream in a saucepan over high heat. When the cream starts to bubble around edges, pour over the chocolate. Set aside for 2 minutes or until melted, then stir until smooth. Stir through oil and set aside until needed.
    • 8
      Using electric beaters, and in batches if necessary, whisk thickened cream to stiff peaks, then fold in yoghurt.
    • 9
      Combine biscuits and Grand Marnier in a bowl. Break honeycomb into pieces and place in a separate bowl, reserving large shards for the top of the trifle.
    • 10
      To assemble, spread one-quarter cream mixture over honey mead jelly, drizzle with one-third honey and top with half the biscuit mixture.
    • 11
      Top biscuits with another one-quarter cream mixture and one-third honey, then scatter over half the crushed honeycomb.
    • 12
      Top honeycomb with another one-quarter cream mixture and one-third honey, and top with the remaining biscuit mixture. Finish with a final layer of cream mixture and top with remain honeycomb, arranging larger shards upright.
    • 13
      Drizzle with the chocolate sauce to serve.

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